Welcome to new C++ Links - most important and useful articles, podcasts and videos that happen between 2nd and 8th of February 2019.

In this week you will find a link to interesting CMake features, a detailed description of the std::rotate algorithm and many more!

  1. Even if you are using CMake daily, there is still lots of tweaks that you probably don’t know. Isabella Muerte described a few exciting features (starting with emoji as a variable name, up to terrifying file(GENERATE):

  2. Jason Turner shows how to use distributed build with icecream (a fork of distcc)

  3. Post from Rainer Grimm - this week he describes compile-time programming using constexpr:

  4. Jonathan Boccara continues series on Variadic Number of Arguments of the Same Type. Today he is showing how we can use std::initializer_list, comma operator (scary!) and few more:

  5. Guest post on fluentcpp. John Kalb, known from CppChat, discourage to use…. range-based for loop and suggest std::for_each:

  6. Nice blog post describing the std::rotate algorithm. Great explanation with many drawings:

  7. Arthur O’Dwyer presents “idiom of the day”: arrow_proxy, mind-blowing tiny piece of code which he used to solve a really interesting issue:

Extra 1: New videos from Meeting C++ are available on their youtube channel (yes, they are still uploading new videos almost every day!):

Extra 2: All videos from code::dive 2018 are on-line! The full playlist is here:

Extra 3: The Legacy Code Programmer’s Toolbox is Out - Fluent C++ - see the first book from Jonathan Boccara!

The links are brought to you by Wojciech Razik.
Wojtek is a Senior C++ developer at Thaumatec, currently writing software for a robot. He enjoys reading C++ Standard before bed, and he loves to hate JS from dawn to dusk.
If you know Polish, take a look at cpp-polska.pl where Wojtek is one of the co-authors.